Gotta do it

May 31st, 2022

Big washers and dryers do make the task faster.

Laundry. Yes, we could have a unit put into our RV. We made the choice not to do that, because it adds some significant weight to the RV, but also because the units that would fit are pretty small, so we would likely be doing laundry every other day.

So, I’ve gone back to my college days and about every 7-10 days we hit the laundry mat! Most parks have their own laundry facilities, so we can throw a load or two in and head back to our space and handle other tasks. But on occasion I have accidentally booked us into a place with no laundry or very limited laundry. So we go hunting for a local laundromat.

Man, has using a laundromat gotten expensive. Normal sized wash and dryer loads are $2.50 each – the big ones you see in the picture were $4.75 per load. Do some sheets and towels and you are spending $20 – $25 or more for laundry for two.

I feel badly for people who use the laundromat because they either can’t afford a machine or they rent in a place that does not have laundry facilities.

And while the laundromats of today are for the most part clean, air conditioned and pleasant, if you have a large family, the simple cost of doing laundry outside your home can be a burden.

We are fortunate – once we wash, fluff and fold, we will be off to a nice lunch and some adventures!

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Published by Kiralafond

You know those days when you wish you could just sell all your stuff and go on the road? Me too! So I did it.

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